Look out for Nick's new book, coming soon!
It has been a couple of years in the making, but well worth the wait. Nick Marson's book Leading by Coaching is to be published on 10th November 2018 by Palgrave MacMillan. See the Amazon site to order here.
I have had the pleasure and honour to be involved in Nick's project to distill his experiences over the past fifteen plus years in the field of learning and personal development with leaders and senior executives, into a business book with practical application for all grappling with leadership in an ever changing world.
If ever there was a project to remind me, and help me reinforce and re-learn the importance of reflection and thinking about thinking, this was it. Along the way Nick, and others who have contributed in many ways to the project, have had stimulating debate about the power of conversations in working life. We who have discussed, argued and gained insight during the process of Nicks' writing, have, as a contemporary bit of American business jargon would have it, "eaten our own dog food" whilst gaining a real understanding of the selection of the book's content. The book is so much better for that because of the way in which Nick communicates his ideas and those of others to the reader through his writing. The author has experienced the content and practiced and applied the ideas.
I hope you enjoy Leading by Coaching as much as I have in learning from my work with Nick.