Moira Dunne
Moira is a business consultant and co-founder of providing training courses on productivity. workplace wellness and now representing Leading by Coaching in Ireland.
Moira has extensive experience working with executives and top teams developing strategy and providing coaching. She delivers a suite of business skills training using a dynamic, practical and interactive approach in a range of topics including Productivity, Team Development, Project Management, Change Management, Capacity Planning and Performance Management.
Moira offers a unique blend of people, process and communication skills to help individuals and organisations be more productive and healthier. She has worked across all levels of the organisation from CEO in a wide range of organisations within the Pharmaceuticals, Financial Services, I T and Public Sectors.
Moira started her career as a research and development scientist with Glaxo Smith Kline in the UK which led to a training role in laboratory robotics technology. On returning to Ireland she took up a broader HR, Training and Strategic Planning Consultant roles with Friends First Financial Services and Olas IT.
Moira worked as an Associate with Hosca Management Consultants delivering a suite of business skills training programmes within both the Private and Public sectors in Ireland. She worked with the Health Products Regulatory Authority over a 10-year period on many transformation projects.
Moira currently runs while working on occasional projects with PWC and CJH Networks. She co-delivers Leading by Coaching programmes.
Moira is a guest writer for the Microsoft Ireland Business Blog, and
She holds a master’s degree in science.
Recent articles from Moira:
The Importance of Space To Think
The Link Between Productivity and Wellbeing